
My last week of Academic Hell (hopefully).

This isn't to complain but to forewarn any of you who may come in contact with me between now and April 5th, also to remind myself of what is due / things that are important this week.

1) Strategic Management presentation / paper
2) International Business presentation *note- DO POWERPOINT*
3) 125 Business Law questions + 5 chapters of reading
4) "No Exit" Study Guide
5) Eulogy
6) "Who Moved My Cheese" Paper
8) Bible Study
9) Group Meetings (when??)
10) Seminar
11) Showcase
12) Email about showcase credit
13) Two Convo's
14) Call Sunset Grill about graduation party
15) Look at two apartment complexes
16) Pay two bills
17) Get in touch with ATT about rebate
18) Grocery shop (lots of caffeine)

bold denotes school work that must be completed essentially by Thursday at 8am.

All of this must be done between working 1-5 on M, class from 8-1230/ work 130-5 on T, class / work / class from 9am-9:30pm W.

Finals will be a breeze compared to this....


Spring Break.

Those two words are glorious. Unfortunately, they will be coming to an end for me all too quickly. I've been in Arizona since last Friday and have gotten to eat amazing food (mostly Mexican), see movies, lay out by the pool, and enjoy the weight of nothing on my mind. I can't even begin to share how much this was needed. It was quite an adventure getting here though-- I got to the airport in Nashville at 8:30am on Thursday, about an hour and 45 minutes before my flight was supposed to leave. I wanted to leave plenty of time in case the airport was busy. I checked in, was informed my plane was slightly delayed, walked right through security and put my stuff down at the gate. Come to find out my flight is two hours delayed because of a plane in NY. I panic a little bit because I realize I'll miss my connection in Dallas. I wait in line and calmly tell the man behind the counter my situation. He says he had already re-booked me on the 5:30 flight to Colorado Springs so I'll have about a 2-3 hour wait in Dallas. He assures me I'll make the flight and get out of Dallas that evening. Make it to Dallas without incident. I check in with the gate attendant, check the flight status on the monitor and head to my gate. After realizing I had plenty of time I grab some lunch and coffee and sit down to wait. At 4:15 they announce the flight to Colorado Springs wont be leaving until at least 7pm now. At this point I start to lose it. I go up to the counter and tensely tell the woman I have to get to CO that night because I'm supposed to leave the next morning for Arizona. She apologizes and says that we actually most likely won't leave until 8pm. I walk away muttering swear words under my breath and call my parents. I check my phone for the time and realize I should have been in Colorado Springs by now had all gone according to plan. As I talk to my parents, I feel three hot tears slip down my cheek and my throat feel clogged. I don't want to break down in the middle of the airport but I was so frazzled that I could barely keep my composure. Eventually my mom encouraged me to go grab some dinner and a drink, relax and try to make the best out of the situation. Thankfully I found a TV that had the Belmont/Duke game so I chalked it up to a learning experience. I eventually DID make it to Colorado Springs, at 10:30pm. 15 hours after I got to the airport in Nashville I made it to Colorado. I probably could have driven faster, or at least gotten dang close to home by then. Came home, fell into bed and left the next morning to drive 12 hours in the car. In the span of twenty four hours I was in 3 time zones and 5 states. It was quite a day.

All of that not to complain but to show how much I needed to decompress from travel and school. I'm beginning to wonder if this is what normal people feel like? How much more I enjoy life when they don't have the weight of school on me? I love my job so that doesn't stress me out but school... school DEFINITELY does.

Lost a friend this weekend. He was young, mid-fifties. He was the landlord for our office building. Chris was much much closer to him than I was. So weird that he is gone. Thankfully he loved Jesus. Still-so weird.

Lots of time with family, immediate, extended (including a trip to my grandpa's grave) and step-family. Most good, some stressful. It makes me wonder how graduation will go with everyone in MY element. I have enjoyed the time to just be. This past Christmas and now this Easter break have allowed me the most restful vacations I've had in a long time. I'm not eager to return to Nashville.

I don't have much to say- just wanted to catch you up on life. Does anyone even read this?



Coffee was a bad decision

I love coffee. I can drink it at almost any point in the day. Except nighttime if it is not decaf. Well tonight I made the mistake of drinking a large cup of regular coffee all because I wanted to have some new creamer.

And now my heart is racing and I'm wide-awake while being unusually exhausted.

Story of my life :)

So a little update on things.

The doctors' think they FINALLY figured out what is causing all the pain in my cheeks/forehead/sinus area. They took one look at up my nose and told me that it was swollen shut. They had no idea how I have been breathing through it the past 8 months. I'm on a super intense dose of steroids to try and bring some of the swelling down. If that doesn't make the pain go away I have to go see another specialist. So far the pain has been getting better... I think. I'm just praying that all of this is due to a nose tissue that is 3x the size it is supposed to be.

I went through 3 Blackberries (the PDA not the fruit) in 2 days this weekend. That was an adventure.

I'm also approximately 3 days away from 10 days of sunshine, sleep and free everything. Praise Him for Spring Break. I can't wait to see my family. I'll be in 4 states in 10 days, maybe another country if I can convince the fam to head to Mexico for the day. I haven't been to AZ since Easter of my sophomore year, and that was to say goodbye to my grandfather in hospice. Needless to say, it has been a long time since I've gone to AZ to rest. But this trip should be different. I want to visit his grave. See his final resting place. Bring some closure.

My thoughts are scattered tonight. Part of the blame belongs to the steroids, part of it to the coffee. Forgive me.

I had to watch "The Village" tonight for a Philosophy class. I forgot how odd that movie is, although one of my FAVORITE scenes in any movie takes place in it. Let me re-cap:

Ivy Walker: When we are married, will you dance with me? I find dancing very agreeable. Why can you not say what is in your head?

Lucius Hunt: Why can you not stop saying what is in yours? Why must you lead, when I want to lead? If I want to dance I will ask you to dance. If I want to speak I will open my mouth and speak. Everyone is forever plaguing me to speak further. Why? What good is it to tell you you are in my every thought from the time I wake? What good can come from my saying that I sometimes cannot think clearly or do my work properly? What gain can rise of my telling you the only time I feel fear as others do is when I think of you in harm? That is why I am on this porch, Ivy Walker. I fear for your safety before all others. And yes, I will dance with you on our wedding night.

Such a beautiful moment. So much underneath all that.

Lately I cannot get enough of:
Death Cab for Cutie- Plans
Snow Patrol- Eyes Open

I've got nothing.


David Beckham is my brother...

It is currently 8:38am on Thursday March 6th. I'm sitting in my International Business class listening to a discussion on protecting human rights. While I think this a stimulating topic and worthy of attention, my impending strategic management test and paper (that I haven't finished) are distracting me so I wanted to blog to relieve some stress. I began an 8 week Business Law 2 class last night, every Wednesday night from 5:30pm-9:30pm until April 30th. After I got home (about 10pm, the class is in Cool Springs), I began studying for my strategic test, and by studying I mean watching Death Cab videos on YouTube. Finally 1am rolled around and I was finishing up the final slides for Chapter 11, something about economic value in strategic implementation?, and the weight of this semester hit me. I can't screw this one up. I need to do my homework, finish convo, showcases, and go to class. This year has been PAINFUL to finish. I have to sit and make myself do my homework or at least attempt it. Honestly, if I had any more semesters, I'd drop out. There is no space or privacy in my house and I'm caught in this weird awkward place. I miss my long hair. I miss being surrounded by single people and lamenting about the lack of men in our lives. The last four years have been tough, amazing, but tough. I'm tired-- emotionally, spiritually, physically--tired. It's almost like I can never get fully caught up on sleep or life. My days run from 6:30 am until midnight at least. Those are long effing days.

Anyways, sorry for the complaining. I don't know why I have such an ungrateful spirit as of late.

So I have a feeling you are wondering why the title for this blog...

I have two brothers, at least I THOUGHT I had two brothers. Apparently while Mike has been in China, he found out we were related to David Beckham. To read the experience click here

Basically my brother is the funniest person I know.

The last few days I have been really digging into John. I've been challenged to KNOW Jesus and His scriptures and I haven't spent much time in John over the years. A re-occurring theme I have noticed is Jesus providing for the needs of the people, and then beyond that but more importantly in what seems impossible circumstances. The first example is His first public miracle, when he turns water into wine. Jesus didn't just give them enough to save the bridegroom's ass, He gave them the BEST of the wine, thus impressing his father-in-law. Jesus gave best, even in the simplest situation of a drink at a wedding.
The second example, a man came to Jesus and begged Him to come back and visit his sick son. Jesus, instead told him to go home because his son was healed. He took Jesus at his word and went home. Not only was his son no longer sick, he was completely healed and the people saw this as a miracle. The third, and this was the most powerful to me, is the story of the fish and loaves. Ok, this is probably one of the most well known stories in the New Testament. In this story, Jesus has to feed 5000 people. Five-freaking-thousand. He asks what food they have to give them. Then Scripture says that He asked that even though He knew what He was going to do. Interesting. He wanted the disciples to admit their limitations, that physically it was impossible to feed all the people who came to hear Jesus speak. Then he gathered up the five loaves and two fish and feed the 5000. After all had eaten their fill, Jesus asked the disciples to gather the left overs. So if this was me, I would have been a) skeptical at best that it could happen b) annoyed that I have gather "the leftovers." For whatever reason, the five loaves and two fish fed everyone, but really, LEFTOVERS, c'mon. There were baskets and baskets of fish and loaves of bread leftover. Not only did He provide for their immediate needs, He gave more. There was no human way to feed those people. No obvious option, yet Jesus was able and willing to provide enough and more for the people. Just to meet their basic physical needs. These people who might not have even believed in Him to begin with but were intrigued by His message had their needs met. My brain has been mystified on this concept. I've been scouring Scripture to see this consistency. Not only does it convict me, it encourages me. God can come through the impossible situations, in fact, He THRIVES in my "impossible." wow. I don't even know where to begin to process that.

Anyways. It is now 9:59am and I'm in Legal Issues for the Entertainment Industry discussing breech of contract for Exclusive Recording Agreements. Joy.


I have a love affair with Cadbury Eggs...

It's true. Somehow ( It was probably the Lord protecting me) I missed out on Cadbury eggs up until this year. I was sick a few weeks ago, ventured out to get some Gatorade and on a whim, bought a Cadbury egg. It made me feel a bit better and since that day I get random cravings for them. Praise the Lord they are seasonal :)

Things have been interesting in my life as of late. I feel discouraged. Discouraged at my lack of discipline, at the state of my heart, at the depravity of my spirit and of my inability to be perfect. Yesterday I got a flat tire and it set me off. I proceeded to have about a 90 minute temper tantrum railing on why things are so bad in my life. As I look back with a clear mind I'm ashamed of my behavior but also content to sit in this season. I've realized the Lord is doing alot of refining in my life. Cutting away the dead...as anyone can attest, the removal of sin is not a comfortable process. I begged the Lord to leave me in this season until I finally learn my lesson. You see, I've felt moments of this refinement, but had yet to feel the full effects. It's like putting your hand closer and closer to the fire. You think you can manage until you realize your hand is consumed with flames and the pain is unbearable. For the first time in my life, really, I've seen the grit of my sin. My pride, arrogance, my lack of faith, my disobedience, my rebellion, my anger and judgement... I could go on forever. Never has so much been revealed to me. I've been going through a study called The Pursuit of Holiness with some amazing women from Grace. At the beginning I was hoping just to gain some new friendships from this weekly gathering. Instead, my life has been radically changed. I now realize that I have a choice. I can choose to be discouraged and realize that I'll never be good enough and sit in my sin. Or--I can realize I will never be good enough and choose to stand up in Christ and fight the battle. For now, I'm sitting. As much as I hate to admit this, as much as my heart is repulsed by my sin and craves Holiness, my flesh is winning the battle. The enemy's words are singing over me, whispering softly into my ear. Songs so loud they drown out my Father's words. Everywhere I seek counsel I am being told to immerse myself in Scripture, to pursue it, hide it in my heart, hold onto it so I can chose obedience instead of disobedience.

As much as I hate this season, and truly truly hate it, I know that greatness will come from it. I'm excited to see how my faith grows and my perspective changes once the Lord releases me from this particular season. He is good. He is in control. He has not cast the stone...I am free.

The father of lies
Coming to steal, kill and destroy
all my hopes of being good enough
I hear him saying
Cursed are the ones who can't abide-
He's right.
He's right.

The devil is preaching, the song of the redeemed
That I am cursed and gone astray
I cannot gain salvation
Embracing Accusation

Could the father of lies
be telling the Truth
of God to me tonight
If the penalty of sin is death
Then death is mine

I hear him saying
Cursed are the ones who can't abide-
He's right.
He's right.

The devil is preaching, the song of redeemed
That I am cursed and gone astray

I cannot gain salvation.

Oh the devil's singing over me
An age old song
That I am Cursed and gone astray
Singing the first verse so conveniently over me
But he's forgotten the refrain...

Jesus saves.