"There has been an accident."
Those words strike fear in anyone's heart. Unfortunately, such were the words I read on Saturday morning about 8:15am. I was all ready to get up, shower, and head to a massage (compliments of my sweet roommate), when I noticed I had a new email. The subject line "Starfield Accident" gripped my heart with fear. I opened the email from my boss and started reading. Initially I thought something not terribly major had happened until I read the details of the accident. The floor collapsed. 60 people fell 10 feet through into the basement. The pipes burst and started pouring water into the hole. The lighting truss started swaying and fell. Finally, the speakers gave way. He reassured us (his family, wife and myself) that he and the band were okay. Shaken, but okay. I had no idea what to do. This was the second night of the tour! This isn't supposed to happen to us, were my first thoughts. The first news reports started trickling in, expect mass casualties, it is a miracle people got out alive, there were wires running the length of the floor where it collapsed. The "why" question was screaming out in my head. I felt completely helpless. I finally talked to my boss' wife and she reassured me that while everyone was shaken, it seemed to be the best case scenario for the worst case scenario. 40 people were injured, 3 in critical condition. One has been released while two remain in critical. I beg of you friends, pray for them. One is a mother who took her children to the Starfield show. While we are SO thankful that no one died, this is a grave situation.
Praise the Lord that Tim saw the lights start to go and yelled for people to get out of the way.
Praise the Lord that Chris was in Canada when this happened.
Praise the Lord David and Tim were able to jump down into the hole and start pulling people out as soon as it happened.
Praise the Lord for the quick responses of medical personnel.
Praise the Lord no was electrocuted.
Friends - please petition the throne for those still injured, wisdom for all those involved, and for the tour to regain their confidence. We will not let the enemy keep us down!!
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago