
Eagle Vs. Shark

I'm sitting amidst a pile of laundry thinking about this weekend. Despite the cold, it has been one of my favorites. I had forgotten what its like to just enjoy time off. I had a list of things to get accomplished and while I did a few and started a few more, I feel no remorse on spending my weekend relaxing. 90% of my projects have been turned in, I have two more convocations to go to, my graduation announcements are done, I have a place to live (that I can start moving into soon), saw two amazing movies, attended a bridal shower where we laughed for hours, and went on a five mile jog / run. I haven't run since spring break when I re-injured a stress fracture and bought new running shoes in the same week :). Unfortunately the shoes didn't solve the problem although they allowed me go further than I thought. Plus the weather was gorgeous.

Attended my first bridal shower of the season. I didn't cry - although I was tempted to. Somehow the shower ended up being a "Rachel's Most Embarrassing Moments" fest. But, most of those stories involved the beautiful bride-to-be so I was happy to oblige. Better at the shower than the reception :) I've been with Susan from the very first date until the engagement. I love watching the Lord work things out in His perfect season.

I feel like I'm moving into a fun season. Now that I see the end in sight and my job becoming full-time soon after, I'm so encouraged. The past 3 months have felt longer than any I have ever endured. I'm ending college on such a positive note. I'm setting goals that I can accomplish, getting my own bathroom, moving to a new part of town, praying about becoming a member at Grace, getting to know some amazing new people, spending time with friends that I love, and praying for a potential opportunity to fulfill a dream.

I talked to my parents tonight. My dad uttered six words that made the past four years worth it. "We are so proud of you." The joy I got from making my earthly parents proud was unspeakable. They have given me so much and all I want to do is bring them joy. How much more should this be for my Heavenly Father? What delight He must take when I actually start to try to make Him proud. :) As I grow up I see so many parallels between my parents love for me and the Father's love for me. What I once thought of as burdens were actually blessings designed to protect me.

Today - all is right in my heart. Today I am obeying and trusting Him. Today all I can utter is thanks. I can't promise tomorrow that my heart will be full of joy but today it is.

Things I am thankful for**:

1) My sweet family
2) His grace
3) My roommates (past, present and future)
4) My community
5) Pei Wei
6) Baja Burrito
7) A chance to grow deeper in my walk
8) Finding my favorite perfume that I thought was discontinued - on sale!
9) A new apartment complex
10) My brother going to prom!!
11) Friends in Chicago, Colorado, and Nashville.
12) The women who pour into my life.
13) Truth
14) My job
15) The Nichols Family
16) Mint gum
17) Peanut M&Ms
18) Skinny vanilla lattes
19) Running shoes
20) Email
21) "I Will Possess Your Heart"
22) Starfield: "I Will Go"
23) Jeff Deyo: "Unveil"
24) Josh Wilson: "Trying To Fit The Ocean In A Cup"
25) Future of Forestry: "Twilight"

** not in order of importance.

I'm learning to live in the moment. I am not promised tomorrow so why should I worry about it? He is in the details


ps. Eagle vs. Shark = really good

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