
What I Know to be Truth.

The past week and a half have been interesting to say the least. The play finally finished up and while I had a great time with it, I realized my main calling in life is not to act or be onstage. I don't have the amount of passion you need to do a job like that. I'm so glad the Lord showed me through this experience this not where He has me. My heart has been all over the place lately. I'm sorry if any of you have had to experience me through this time. I haven't been myself. Forgive me. I've watched some of my worst nightmares come to fruition and have only been able to run to Jesus. Thank you to the women who have spoken intense truth into my heart. You know who you are, the ones I call or have coffee with and just spew all over you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just wanted to pass on some of these little gems that I have received the past week from friends:

"Stop seeing yourself as half empty and realize that you are half full! You have so much to offer the world and someday some man is going to come along and pour into you and you guys will overflow. But just because you don't have that now doesn't mean you are LACKING anything. "

How that little shift of seeing the glass "half full" instead of "half empty" has changed my perspective on so much.

"He can't fix you. Stop trying to put that pressure on him. Having him in your life won't fix all your problems. Its not fair for you to expect that of him because you know the only who have truly fix the brokenness in your heart and relationships is Christ."

I mean really. You would think I would have learned that lesson about 21 years ago... but no. I am just understanding it... he can't fix me. only HE can fix me.

The following is taken from Genesis. Its the part where Adam and Eve hide because they have sinned against God. I'm going to paraphrase here:

God: Adam. Eve. Where are you?
A&E: We're hiding over here in the bushes
God: Why are you hiding?
A&E: Because we're naked.
God: Who told you that?

What a simple story we have all heard so many times. But what my friend Sarah pointed out is this... God wanted to know who TOLD Adam and Eve they were naked, who lied to them. Even though it technically wasn't a lie, God was making them think He didn't know they had eaten the fruit. Sarah's point was this, when I start believing that I'm not pretty enough, or thin enough or smart enough or WHATEVER enough, God asks me , "Who told you that?" My Father calls me beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made, created with a purpose, cherished, beloved, adored... etc. So if HE didn't tell me those things why do I believe them? Do I put more stock in what the world lies to me about than what my Father tells me to be true? My pastor said something in church this morning about we can't negotiate with the Word of God. We must believe that His words are absolutely true and above any other words we hear or messages we receive.

So those are my thoughts... messy and unorganized they may be, but they are mine and I wanted to share them.

Thank you Brooke Fraser for expressing my heart:

I'll give it time
give it space
and be still for a spell
When it's time to walk that way
we wanna walk it well

I'll be waiting for you baby
I'll be holding back the darkest night
Love is waiting 'til we're ready
'til it's right

Love is waiting

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